Q CuBox Proxmox

28th November, 2012 @ 7pm (pre-meeting at 6pm)

Address Muttis downstairs (118 Elgin st, Carlton VIC)

Meeting Topics

  1. Overview of 'Q' editor by Duncan Roe
  2. Demo of CuBox by David Burgess
  3. Proxmox VE and Turnkey Linux by Renato Luminati

Q notes

Up on github at https://github.com/duncan-roe/q

Called Q because of its versatile q command

Unremarkable editor greatly enhanced by its macro facility

Command-line based, command lines can themselves be edited

Most control characters do something

Tries to resolve the "tabs or spaces" dilemna


Has concept of "tokens"

(Start q \~/q/TODO, describe macro loading & symlink res'n) (Leave TODO up for adding stuff) (insert request for macro catalogue)

Uses mmap / deferred file read

Binary mode

Might like to set xterm option "Delete is DEL" from menu or put "xterm*vt100.deleteIsDEL: true" in .Xresources

Massages commands for minimal typing

Macros introduced by Control-N (^N).

Macros in range 0 to 03777 except pseudo-macros '@' to '\~' (including alphabet which is case-insensitive)

"Active pseudo-macros" in range 04000 - 07777 (only a few implemented so far)

(Run through some macros I find useful: ^N^K ^N^N ^N^I/^N^H ^N^E/^N^L ^N^W[pqr] ^N^V/^N^Q (& fm+h) ^N^W^G (needs runindent) ^N^W^F ^N^W^X ...)

Github repo: https://github.com/duncan-roe/command_line_tools.git